Engagingly written — all the guides from this stable are first class
 — Traveller

Alexander Stewart

Alexander Stewart read English and History at Leeds University. Born in England, he left for Kenya aged only three months and spent the next fifteen years shuttling between Africa, Australia and Europe.

The wanderlust instilled during his formative years has never left him and he has now visited more than thirty countries in six continents. He has followed Peruvian spirits over high Andean passes, seen the sunrise from the Roof of Africa, been airlifted from the Alps and fallen through the floor of a Vietnamese hostel. He's been spat at by llamas and assaulted by orang-utans but undeterred, he continues to explore, producing articles and photographs for various magazines and newspapers.

He lives in London where he works for WEXAS, the World Expeditionary Association. He is the author of New Zealand - the Great Walks, The Walker's Haute RouteNorfolk Coast Path & Peddars Way, and The Inca Trail, Cusco & Machu Picchu 5th edition.

Books by Alexander Stewart: