Trailblazer Guides are produced by people who know exactly what information is needed - not just to get from A to B but to be entertaining as well as informative.
 — The Great Outdoors

Jamie McGuinness

Jamie McGuinness left university mid-way through studying engineering, to discover the world.

After prospecting for gold in the western deserts of Australia, training huskies in Sweden and selling Trans-Siberian train tickets in Hong Kong, he finally found his place in it - as a Himalayan trekker.

He manages Project Himalaya and treks and climbs for much of the year, spending the rest of the time plannng the next adventure.  His favourite pastime is exploring remote corners of the Himalaya with friends and a camera.

Jamie is the author of Trekking in the Everest Region. He has trekked in the Everest region more than 25 times and has summited Everest itself five times. 

His latest project is assisting with the Great Himalaya Trail, a 4500km trail from one end of the Himalaya to the other.


Books by Jamie McGuinness: