Engagingly written — all the guides from this stable are first class
— Traveller
Trekking in the Pyrenees
Updated information
Thank you to the readers who sent in the following updates including Emma McCabe.
The information has not yet been checked by Trailblazer but it will be for the next edition.
Map of Luz St Sauveur
Hotel Les Templiers is on Place de l'Eglise (or Place de la Comporte, which is the postal address) and the neighbouring Hotel des Cimes is on Place du Marché.
St Jean Pied de Port, refuges and gites –
Gite Compostella, 6 route d'Arneguy, Place Juan de Huarte. gitecompostella@sfr.fr
Refuge Esponda, Place du trinquet. jeanmarie.mailharro@wandadoo.fr
Le Chemin Vers L'Etoile, 21 rue d'Espagne. eric.viotte@gmail.com
Gite Ultreia, 8 rue de la Citadelle. dodo.ultreia@gmail.com
Gite Zuharpeta, 5 rue Zuharpeta
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