Trailblazer Guides are produced by people who know exactly what information is needed - not just to get from A to B but to be entertaining as well as informative.
— The Great Outdoors

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Overlanders' Handbook
A route & planning guide: Asia, Africa, Latin America for Car 4WD Van Truck
by: Chris Scott
Price: £19.99 BUY NOW
ISBN 978-1-905864-87-4
2nd edition 488pp 16 maps
32 colour pages, 308 B&W photos
Paperback 210mm x 135mm
- A goldmine of factual, sensible information based on the author's personal, extensive experience.'
- Self-Build Motorcaravanners Club, June 2018 - Whether your next adventure will be in Afghanistan or Alabama, these two reference guides (Overlanders' Handbook, Adventure Motorcycling Handbook) are a great place to start.
- Overland Journal, 2018 (USA) - Chris Scott's popular book is ... packed with updated info, tips, trip reports and loads more.
- Land Rover Owner, September 2017 - A great resource.
- Wild Travel - Brilliantly written in an entertaining and informative way.
- Motorcaravan Motorhome Monthly - I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It is the first word, the last word, and if there is such a thing, the middle word, on overlanding. Buy it and you won't regret it.
- SA 4X4 magazine - A must for any budding overlander
- Land Rover Monthly - Buy this book ... and turn your overland dream into a reality
- Land Rover World - Essential reading... refreshingly jargon-free
- 4x4 Mart - Absolutely mandatory reading for anyone contemplating overland travel...Already a veteran? Trust me, you'll still learn something...
- Overland Journal - steers... the reader towards the most cost-effective solutions and [...] real advice, country by country
- 4X4 Magazine - ... covers every topic imaginable and will inspire you to pack your vehicle and head off in a new direction.
- - There is nothing else quite like this out there.
- The Bookseller
The second edition of this popular guide has been condensed into a more compact 480-page paperback with all the practical detail updated and now featuring colour trip reports by overland adventurers from around the world.
Chris Scott and his band of 50 globetrotting contributors have put together the definitive manual for planning and undertaking a vehicle-dependent overlanding adventure across the wilds of Africa, Asia and Latin America.
- Planning and preparation
- When to go, costs, documentation and sponsorship
- Vehicle choice and preparation. Covers everything from adapting a cheap car to equipping a campervan or 4x4 for months on the road, or even building and outfitting your own cabin to mount on an all-terrain truck chassis.
- Life on the road. How to handle difficult borders, police trouble, haggle over a purchase, treat a dodgy stomach and cope with crazy driving conditions. Guidance on wild camping, navigation and mapping strategies, vehicle shipping, advice for solo women, travelling with children or with pets, vehicle repairs and trouble-shooting, and off-road driving techniques.
- Continental route outlines. Guidelines on both popular and obscure overland routes through Africa, Asia and Latin America - aka the 'Overland Zone'. Includes fuel prices, easiest border crossings and best seasons to travel, visa strategies, danger zones and regional highlights.
- Supported by the online resource:
From Timbuktu to Kathmandu via Machu Picchu Overlanders’ Handbook covers everything you need to know in one comprehensive manual
Check the Author's website
Price: £19.99 buy online now…
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