Trailblazer guidebooks provide practical information on specific routes in less accessible parts of the world.
 — Wanderlust

Scottish Highlands Hillwalking guide

by: Jim Manthorpe


Updated information

Thank you to readers who sent in updates including: Philip Derham.


The information has not yet been checked by Trailblazer but it will be for the next edition.

Updates for 3rd edition

July 2019

An Australian walker, aged 60, gave the following feedback:

'I found each individual mountain a day’s walk and chose to camp in a camping ground (e.g. Glenmore in Aviemore) at the end of each day.  At the time, these inexpensive accommodations cost between £7 and £16 a night.  Having a tent and cooking equipment made it easy and cheap and the facilities were all good.

Supermarkets. Fort William and Aviemore - there were quite adequate supermarkets that could supply all my camping needs. 

Maps and compass.  I only had to use a compass once (on Ben MacDui) as on the others, the walking paths were so well marked I could (in good light) not get mislaid.
Parking. My surprise (as an Australian) at the need to carry pound coins to pay for parking (e.g. at Cairn Gorm and Ben Macdui, at Ben Nevis and at Ben Lawers).  In Australia, all such parking is free.

Paths. In Australia we don’t have the well prepared paths of rock that I found on Ben Lawers or Ben Nevis, nor do we have the scree paths or general rocky paths elsewhere encountered and which made walking much harder and slower.'

Walk timings. This Australian walker found his experience of some walk timings varied from the guide.

Scottish Highlands Hillwalking guide