Trailblazer Guides are produced by people who know exactly what information is needed - not just to get from A to B but to be entertaining as well as informative.
— The Great Outdoors
Trans-Canada Rail Guide
by: Melissa Graham
Updated information
Thank you to those who wrote in with the following updates including:
Robert A. Leibold, Jean Forrister, Avril Chaffey.
The information has not yet been checked by Trailblazer but it will be for the next edition.
Updates relating to the 6th edition
Calgary. Eua Claire Market closed earlier in June and is now due for redevelopment.
Updates relating to the 5th edition
September 2016
The luxury option is now "Prestige."
p18. The 'Skeena' is now called the 'Rupert Rocket'. One reader wrote in that the food is not comparable to the other trains such as the Canadian, saying you get airplane food in airplane seats.
p216 Prince George. The same reader also said they did not find that Prince George had much to recommend it except as a place to sleep.
page 199, Toronto to Winnipeg. In "The Canadian" route guide and maps, it is stated that at mile 100 the tracks cross the Severn River on a bridge. This is true, but
this is the Severn River of Southern Ontario (which is short and flows SW
into Georgian Bay/Lake Huron), not the much longer Severn of Northern
Ontario, which indeed flows NE into Hudson's Bay and was a route between
the Bay and Lake Winnipeg. A common mistake, what with two Severn Rivers
in the same province.
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